The Tranquil Blog

In the vast and wonderful world of the internet, there’s always an adventure waiting around every corner. But just like on any exciting journey, it is wise to be aware of unknown perils that can lay just beneath the surface. One such bump that internet travellers might encounter is called Phishing. In this blog, we shall take a deeper look at understanding what Phishing really is, learning how to protect ourselves, and educate others on how not to be fooled on the internet.
I. What is Phishing, Anyway?
Think of phishing as a clever disguise. When online fraudsters dress up as familiar faces on social media, or specially built fake “trustworthy” websites to trick you into sharing personal information. They might send friendly-looking emails or messages, they may well even use friends or family names, trying to get you to click on links or share sensitive details like passwords or credit card numbers.
II. The Different Faces of Phishing
1. Email Phishing: Fake emails pretending to be from your favourite online store, or even your friend. They will normally be asking for your information- normally saying that they need help, or that you’ve a payment outstanding. It might be a false email telling you that you have a parcel to collect, or an email from the bank asking you to log in.
2. Spear Phishing: A personalized version of phishing where the tricksters do their homework, tailoring their messages just for you to make it more convincing.
3. Smishing and Vishing: Phishing goes mobile with text messages (Smishing) or phone calls (Vishing), attempting to trick you into revealing your personal details through your hand-held device.
4. Pharming: Redirects you from real websites to fake ones, trying to confuse you and steal your information without you realising.
III. Why Phishing is such a tricky subject matter:
The thing about phishing is that it’s sophisticated – It is like a clever puzzle. Cyber fraudsters design it to look genuine, making it challenging to spot the fakes amongst genuine communications.
IV. How to Stay safe and recognise the signs of Phishing:
1. Be Curious, but Cautious: If something seems too good to be true or a bit odd, take a moment to pause and think before clicking or sharing any info.
2. Double-Check: Verify any request for personal information. Legitimate sources, trusted companies, friends and families will never mind you being careful and asking!
3. Use the right Security Settings: Installing trustworthy antivirus and anti-phishing software such as Trend Micro that can really help you from getting into any form of trouble.- We can help ensure that your software and personal accounts are as safe as can be. Talk to us, we are happy to advise!
4. Friendly Connections: Stick to secure websites (ones that start with https://) especially for shopping or sharing sensitive info and consider using trusted Wi-Fi networks.
5. Stay Informed, Stay Safe: Keep an eye out for the latest scams. Knowledge is your best friend in the online world. Education is paramount to ensure that you stay safe from this unseen crime.
6. Report, Don’t Stress: If you think you’ve spotted a phishing attempt, report it to the right people. If you’re still not sure – Drop us a line via our contact us button at and we will happily assist you in finding out if it’s Phishing Attempt.
So there you have it - Phishing might seem like a daunting sea monster but armed with a little knowledge and a pinch of caution, you can sail through the internet waves without a worry. Happy and safe browsing.