The Tranquil Blog

Have you noticed that these days, one needs Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) for pretty much everything that you need to login to, whether it is your computer, an app or an account online? So many users question why this has been added, it’s just another step added into their working day that takes up time and effort. “Surely my strong password is enough?” they say - as you can almost hear the eyeroll down the phone line.
My answer is always the same: NO, it is absolutely NOT enough.
Why? Brute-Force Login Attacks (a hacking method that uses (AI) automation over a slow period of time to guess passwords to gain entry into accounts, systems and networks) are becoming a frequent occurrence, not to mention –they are also becoming more sophisticated each and every passing day. These attacks are indiscriminate and will attempt any accounts or business that it has been pitched against. Virus Protection programmes are quite simply not enough. Protecting your business’s sensitive information via 2FA, keeping in line with GDPR regulations, and keeping digital assets safe is paramount to ensure your business runs safely and securely.
Singular passwords have long been the primary method of securing online accounts. However, reliance solely on passwords presents inherent vulnerabilities. It is relatively easy for hackers to gain unauthorised access to accounts protected by One-Factor Authentication, as stated above, with the Brute-Force Attack method. Once a password has been compromised, it can lead to severe consequences, including data breaches, identity theft, financial loss, and reputational damage. Not to mention, in the UK, the financial burden that can come directly from the ICO (Information Commissioner’s office) should personal information have been breached into the public domain.
All 2FA asks of you is to combine your normal password with the “human factor” of you needing to actively submit a key that must be in front of your person (i.e., from a mobile device, security token, or biometric data). It makes it significantly more challenging for hackers to breach an account even if they manage to obtain the password. An added few minutes to your day will mitigate many hours of stress and panic should you have ever been the target of a hack.
There is another, more basic reason for implementing 2FA . As someone who is in charge of Risk Assessments and GDPR law, 2FA is essential in being front-line mitigation against the risk of cyber-breaches and therefore automatically ensures that your business’s IT Security Disaster Plan/ Risk Assessment score matrix is low. This also lessens the paperwork needed to disprove otherwise, I can assure you!
We at Tranquil IT Solutions wholeheartedly support 2FA for business. There are many ways of rolling this out for you on your IT network. If you are unsure whether you have the right levels of security, you are very welcome to contact us and chat about what can be done. Contact us at or Call us on 01279 658331.